Where to go from Rimini for 1 day - 10 most interesting places


From the point of view of modern inhabitants, Rimini is an example of a magnificent Adriatic resort with an endless strip of sandy beaches, amazingly beautiful sea views, gentle warmth, enchanting landscapes, beautiful hotels. From the point of view of archaeologists and historians, Rimini is the oldest city in Italy, created as far back as BC. NS. by the Romans. All these factors have made the resort a popular holiday destination, famous for its highly developed infrastructure, delicious food and, of course, the ideal state of the beaches. Rimini is very conveniently located, from which you can make independent trips to the amazing cities of Italy in order to further enrich your impressions and diversify your vacation. So, we will tell you where you can go from Rimini on your own for 1 day.


A city of students embodying a thousand-year history. The city of churches and cathedrals, museums and libraries, educational institutions and monuments - there is a lot to see. The famous architect, author of the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, Aristotle Fiorovanti, is a native of Bologna.

Sights of Bologna:

  • The falling towers of Asinelli (high, less inclined) and Garisenda (low, strongly inclined) are a kind of symbol of the city. All tourists consider it necessary to see them.
  • San Pietro is a cathedral of the 11th century Roman-Gothic style, which has been rebuilt several times and has lost its original appearance.
  • Santo Stefano is a temple complex consisting of 7 churches, the embodiment of a legend.
  • San Petronio is a Catholic church (15th largest in the world) - a grandiose structure.
  • Archimnasium is the most significant monument of architecture and culture, the institution from which Petrarch, Dante, Copernicus emerged.

These objects are so interesting for their history, so enchanting with their ancient architecture that it will take all day to see them.

How to get there: by train (on the way 1 hour 20 minutes), from Rimini they go very often, after 20-30 minutes, the ticket costs from 9.5 € to 10.7 €, depending on the class of the train. From Bologna to Rimini, trains run even at night, so there is no problem returning.


This ancient city with a rich history played an important role during the Roman Empire as a military port, which was founded by Octavian Augustus. All stages of the prosperity and disintegration of the famous empire were reflected here, there is the tomb of Dante, the house of Byron, many thousand-year-old temples. The fact that 8 monuments are under the protection of UNESCO is an eloquent testimony to the uniqueness of Ravenna, which is worth visiting for at least 1 day.

Upon arrival in the city, in its historical part (2X2 km), the mosaic decoration of the walls of buildings in the Byzantine style is immediately striking, enchanting with its brilliance and beauty of execution.

The Mausoleum of Galla Placidi, built for the daughter of the Roman emperor (425-437), is located next to the Cathedral of St. Vitaly. This is the most important monument of Christian art of the 5th century, the walls and dome of which are decorated with mosaic patterns in the style of the ancient Roman-Hellenistic tradition.

The Venetian Palace, located on the People's Square, a monument to the rule of the Byzantines, conquers with its perfect lines, arches and statues of saints. It is connected by a passage with the Town Hall building - Palazzo del Popolo, where the prefecture is now located.

The Basilica of St. Vitaly (San Vitale) is an invaluable religious and architectural monument of the 6th century. Its facade, interior interiors decorated with Byzantine mosaics, admire the beauty of patterns and colors, the art of creating mosaic portraits of Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora. As it is located near the train station, it is the first site to visit in Ravenna.

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ is a temple complex that unites the archbishop's palace, the Orthodox baptistery and the bell tower .. The marble pulpit and sarcophagi painted with Christian themes are impressive here; baptistery decorated with mosaics. Basilica of St. Apollinarius 5-6 c. (new), built under Theodoric the Great. The name Apollinaria received in the 9th century, when the relics of the saint were transferred here. The old church of st. Apollinaria is located next to the port of Klass (5 km from the center), being a true shrine of the Italians.

How to get to Ravenna from Rimini: by train (1 hour on the way, ticket price - 4.6 €.). Trains run back and forth frequently.

San marino

It is impossible not to visit the unique, amazing miniature state, located on one of the slopes of Mount Monte Titano, whose inhabitants are hordes of their independence. Army of San Marino - 50 people, and there is 1 prisoner in the local prison! Despite the small territory, there are 9 castle cities connected with each other by labyrinths of high-quality roads, allowing you to easily travel around all the castles - the sights of the country. Each of them is a historical and architectural monument that is interesting to visit. The castles produce wines and liqueurs, ceramics and other unique products that are in great demand among tourists. San Marinians are very hospitable, benevolent people - the true wealth of a tiny proud state, imbued with antiquity.

How to get there: regular buses leave from Rimini, in 25-30 minutes. you can drive to San Marino.

Santarcangelo di Romagna

In the vicinity of the city of Rimini, there is an authentic corner of Italian antiquity, full of charm - the town of Santarcangelo di Romagna. This is a kind of open-air museum of local lore, which is a pleasure to walk through. Located on the slope of the hill of Jupiter with the remains of a medieval wall and the Malatesta fortress (14th century) towering above them with the Sigismondo castle (now it is closed for restoration). There is a travel agency in the central square, where you will be given a map of the town and booklets about the sights - these are your guides. What to see in Santarcangelo di Romagna?

Archaeological Museum with many interesting exhibits illustrating all stages of the development of these places. Magnificent icons and paintings, household items, jewelry from different eras are presented in it. Tuff caves-grottoes, mysterious labyrinths of which are located under the historical center of the city. The purpose of the grottoes is not precisely established. For centuries, residents have used them as cellars. The Arc de Triomphe is an architectural masterpiece of Morelli, established in honor of the ascension in 1769 to the papacy of Ganganelli, a native of Santarcangelo.

People call it "the arch of the cuckolds" (when you go through it, you will find out). The Church of the Holy Immaculate Mary is one of the main sanctuaries. Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin (1744-1779). Museum-workshop, whose services were used by princesses Diana and Margaret. In it, linen and cotton fabrics are decorated with patterns with environmentally friendly dyes, using a special calender wheel (1633). The history of the origin of the craft is interesting, the unique setting, breathing antiquity.

Bell tower 25 m high, decorated with battlements and a weather vane in the form of the image of St. Michael the Archangel. Used as a backdrop for annual theater festivals. It will not be difficult to come to Sanarcangelo - there is a train from the Rimini railway station. 6 minutes and you are there. Walking along a wide street with charming houses entwined with flower garlands and gardens, you find yourself in the center of the town. If you want to get to the center immediately, it is better to come by bus (NN 9, 90, 91, 114), stops near the railway station. Drive 15-20 minutes. The ticket price is 3 € round trip.


A small, authentic town, one of the borgo - historically valuable settlements that have preserved their medieval appearance.Its main attraction is the eponymous fortress complex located at 142 meters above sea level, stunning in its grandeur and architecture. This historical and cultural monument began to be built in the 12th century. brothers Grifo, constantly changing owners, until the founder of the powerful dynasty Malatesta de Verucchio received the right of eternal possession. The castle ensemble has the family coat of arms of the dynasty and is shrouded in many legends about the Malatesta family, including the myth of Paolo and Francesca, which became the basis for various works of art and music. The fortress has perfectly preserved the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, which arouses the interest of tourists: ancient fireplaces, mosaic floors, rare furniture, portraits, paintings and frescoes.

The delightful surrounding landscapes are very impressive. Tourists are dissatisfied with the abundance of stalls and tents, which violate the primordial perception of the medieval appearance of the fortress.
You can come to Gradara from Rimini as follows: take an electric train to the station. Cattolica in 15-20 minutes, paying 2.15 €. From the railway station, go to the bus stop and take bus N35. The ticket is purchased from the machine inside, so you need to have a change.


The small town has a world fame as an interesting tourist site, known for its great history, the birthplace of the genius creator of painting Raphael and unique sights. Almost every building, every monument here is worthy of being included in the UNESCO list (only the historical center is protected).

Attractions Urbino:

  • The Borqo Mercatale square, from where the excursions start, is next to the bus station. An information center is open on it, where the b / p gives out a detailed map of the city's tour.
  • Raphael's House is a year-round tourist pilgrimage site. It is located on the street. Via Raffaellо. It is now a museum, which houses the canvases of the great painter G. Santi and family items from the 15th century. Here you can also see the 1st Raphael "Madonna", written by him in his youth.
  • A monument to Raphael, erected a little further down the street, next to the observation platforms. The Motherland did not stint on the creation of a majestic monument to its brilliant son. The observation platforms offer breathtaking landscapes of fabulous beauty.
  • The Ducal Palace of the Urbinsky is one of the main architectural monuments, striking in its scale and grandeur. The internal content is quite consistent with the external appearance: amazing frescoes, fascinating graceful lines of sculpture, paintings of the Renaissance - everything delights and surprises.

Urbino is a city of festivals and celebrations, the main one of which is the colorful fancy dress Festa del Duca - a reconstruction of the most important military victory in the history of the city. It is held in the second half of August, attracting many tourists who admire the authenticity of the events depicted, the colorfulness and scope of the holiday. How to get from Rimini to Urbino: take the train to Pesaro. There, change to a bus departing from the railway station, 45 minutes on the way.


The administrative center of the Marche region - Ancona is named by the Greek word, which sounds in translation as "cubit" by analogy with the shape of the cape that protects the city's harbor from storms. A large industrial metropolis, along with important economic areas, is also developing tourism - there is something to see for lovers of historical monuments. A local rarity is Trajan's Arch, 18 m high, made of marble.

Noteworthy museums: National Archaeological Region, Diocesan, which have many interesting artifacts. A visit to the F. Podesti Art Gallery, located in the Bosdari Palace, will not disappoint. The Cathedral of San Chiriaco on the Guasco hill attracts attention from a distance. There are 2 more churches worth seeing: Santa Maria della Piazza (13th century) and San Francesco alle Scale. An interesting object is a huge building (area more than 20 thousand square meters), with 5 corners - Lazaretto (1732).

There are 3 palaces in the city, captivating the eye with architecture in the late Gothic style: Palazzo Benincasta, Palazzo del Senato, Loggia del Mercanti. From the local port you can make sea cruises to Turkey, Croatia, Greece. In the suburbs of Ancona, there is a mecca for Christian pilgrims - the Loret Basilica (Holy House), which also deserves attention. You can come to Ancona from Rimini by train traveling along the picturesque coast to the south. On the way - 1 hour 15 minutes, the ticket costs 7.5 €.


Getting into the administrative center of the province of the same name - Ferrara, you immediately feel the amazingly lively flavor of the Renaissance, thanks to its perfectly preserved sights of the 14-16 centuries. The city began to flourish here during the reign of Duke E. de Este, who, with the help of the outstanding architect Rossetti, decided to create the unique look of Ferrara.

The Cathedral of St. George (12-14 centuries) is a real architectural miracle, created from pink marble, which evokes admiration for the grace and beauty of the exterior and interior. The masterpiece of religious construction is located in the historical center, there are always crowds of tourists near it. The ducal palaces de Este compete with each other for wealth, luxury and originality. Romei House, built in the 15th century, has a charming patio. Now the building houses the Museum of Painting and Sculpture, where the best examples of fine art are exhibited.

The Costabili Palace, according to one version, was erected by order of Ambassador S. Costabili in honor of his wife from the de Este clan. The external simplicity of the façade contrasts with the ornate courtyard and gallery. The National Archaeological Museum is very interesting to visit here.

Ferrara is a city with a perfectly clear layout of streets and squares, for which, together with architectural monuments, it was honored to be on the UNESCO list. You can get to Ferrara from Rimini by a direct train, but it rarely runs, in the early morning and evening. The best way to travel for 1 day is with a transfer in Bologna or Ravenna (on the way - 2.20 hours, fare - 10 €).


The name of this city has long been familiar to those who have an idea of ​​it from the musical Soviet film "Truffaldino from Bergamo" with K. Raikin in the title role. Even then, the audience was fascinated by the atmosphere of the Middle Ages that reigned in the film. To see Bergamo in reality, to feel the romantic spirit of the times is great luck! This strikingly beautiful city consists of 2 parts, each of which is located on hills separated by a fortress wall. As in other ancient cities, the historical center with a preserved defensive wall is of interest here. And if you thought that you have already seen the most amazing things, then the magnificent monuments of Bergamo will dissuade you.

That only is a masterpiece of architecture - the Colleoni Chapel - an absolutely amazing structure of incredible beauty in the Renaissance style, which you can admire endlessly. It is located in the Old Square, where the famous Church of Santa Maria Maggiore (1137) is famous for its magnificent frescoes and paintings. The composers Donizetti and Mair are buried in it. A visit to the Botanical Garden "Lorenzo Rota", which occupies 1700 square meters, will leave many wonderful impressions. m, where more than 900 species of plants grow and smell. There is something to see in the modern part of the city: the Carrara art gallery with paintings by Botticelli, Raphael, Tiepolo and other masters; the theater of G. Donizetti will not disappoint you, but will charm you.

You can get to Bergamo by Reqional trains with transfers, the total travel time is 5.32 hours, the ticket price is from 21 € to 62 €. Change to the station Fidenza, before that on the way - 2.38 hours and to Bergamo from Fidenza - 1.54 hours. Buses also go with a change 2 times a week, travel time - 5.49 hours, ticket price - from 42 € to 63 €. To stop. the bus travel 14.5 km. by taxi. Transfer to the station. Riccione, ed. 428.The most convenient and fastest way to get to Bergamo is by renting a car (time - 3.18 hours, for 357 km gasoline costs - from 45 € to 70 €).


This special one, which differs from many Italian cities - Pesaro, with aristocratic charm and poetic romance, elegant culture and high aesthetics, attracts people who value non-flashy beauty and calm contemplation. Here, in the homeland of the famous Rossini, you understand that only in such a romantic place could the author of the immortal musical classics be born.

In Pesaro, much is associated with the name of the composer: on the street named after him, there is the Memorial Museum and the famous Opera House. Every year in August a large-scale opera festival is held in the city, where world famous opera singers come.

The city pleases with its ancient architectural masterpieces - luxurious palaces and villas inherited from the noble families of the rulers of Rovere, Sforza and Malatesta. An example of the magnificent architecture of the Renaissance, in the creation of which Leonardo da Vinci himself participated - the Ducal Palace of the 15th century. on pl. Del Popolo. A true masterpiece of fountain construction is the fountain in front of the palace in a fantastic design in the form of wriggling newts and seahorses.

It is impossible to pass indifferently past the Cathedral, which amazes visitors with its ancient mosaic floor of extraordinary beauty, preserved by careful restoration. A trip to the wonderful islet of the Middle Ages will take you many pleasant minutes.

You can get to Pesaro from Rimini by train in 30 minutes, ticket price - 3.75 €; or by regional train (8.50 €).

Route from Rimini for 1 day on the map


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