A quick overview of the best places to visit in Russia


On the eve of the holiday of all lovers in Sochi, an exhibition of paintings created from sand will open. On February 13, the Bogza Gallery, which is focused on contemporary art trends, will open its doors to all comers. As part of a colorful project, 14 of the best artists will show their mastery of sand handling, with the help of which they create their masterpieces. It is reliably known that the art project "Shadows on Glass" will be attended by masters from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and even Germany.

The organizers of the event promise guests a unique show, because the sand graphics allow you to create amazing pictures with a slight movement of your hand. The effect of fleetingness, elusiveness gives the show a special flavor, and the hands of the best representatives of this unusual direction of creativity are able to convey the author's mood to the audience.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to save a picture of sand, it is still possible to become the owner of the image you like. With the help of modern high-resolution technology, shooting will be organized, after which the picture will be printed on canvas.

The event will run until March 26 and will end with a charity auction. In addition to the performances of artists, viewers will be able to enjoy performances by magicians, take part in individual lessons and practical jokes.

During the May holidays in Sochi, an exhibition of yachts "SOCHI Yacht Show" will be organized. The seaport was chosen as a platform for the spectacular action, where new models of boats and yachts, as well as other types of water equipment, will be exhibited. For those who prefer other types of transport, they will offer to visit the car exhibition, which will bring together the best models of elite brands.

For lovers of antiquity, it will be interesting to get acquainted with the models of yachts of past years, which will be exhibited in a kind of museum. Well, at the end of the colorful event, another surprise awaits everyone present in the form of a real sailing regatta!

Another southern region of Russia - Kuban - decided to attract tourists with its wineries and their products. It is here that the local authorities plan to create a winemaking center, conditions for wine tourism and accommodation for all guests of the region. All producers will be united under a single center, and a grandiose wine festival will be added to the list of annual mass entertainment events. He will soon become the hallmark of the region.

Experts predict success for the project, because in recent years the flow of tourists who used to vacation in Egypt and Turkey has been redistributed towards the Black Sea resorts. Favorable conditions for the development of wine tourism were also created by restricting the import of wine products from a number of European countries. All this stimulates domestic winemakers to produce new varieties of wine.

Across Russia, preparations have begun for a large-scale celebration of the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, which falls in 2017. The tourism agency believes that the event will be very popular among foreign tourists. In particular, the ministry notes the increased interest in the "red routes" among tourists from China.

The Hermitage announced the start of large-scale preparations for the celebrations. According to the director of the museum M. Piotrovsky, a whole program will be launched, which will include serious exhibition expositions, among which a separate place will be occupied by the events that took place as part of the storming of the Winter Palace. Tourists will be offered to look at the wartime infirmary, which was located in this historic building during the First World War.


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