Interesting facts about Mexico


Mexico today is just gaining its popularity among tourists. Therefore, every novice traveler who sets out to conquer this country for the first time should know how it can please and surprise. Few people know, but it was in Mexico that one of the most popular sweets, chocolate, was first produced, the most spicy seasoning was grown - chili and one of the key crops - corn.

Amazing fauna

Mexico boasts a tailless (volcanic) rabbit. This rare fluffy animal lives next to numerous volcanic craters, so meeting it is a real success. And in the jungle, in search of another victim, a jaguar - the largest representative of the cat family of those found on the continent - sneaks up on.

Every year in the forests of Mexico you can meet a unique collection of colorful butterflies. Millions of these beautiful insects fly to their long-favorite places to get into the cameras of the next group of tourists. Unfortunately, today these animals are threatened with extinction, because their habitat is shrinking due to constant deforestation.

Capital and Aztecs

Mexico City is built on the ruins of an ancient Aztec city and is actually located on a lake. Because of this, it is submerged in water by several inches every year. This city can simultaneously claim the title of the most ancient on the continent and one of the largest in the world.

The country itself, its culture and way of life have forever preserved a piece of the history of the first settlers - the Aztecs. These warlike tribes are considered the ancestors of modern Mexicans. Although, according to scientists, modern inhabitants are a mixture of many civilizations. In addition to the indigenous representatives of the Maya and Aztecs, the blood of the Spaniards, the French and even Africans flows in the veins of the Mexicans. All the most interesting information about the Aztec pyramids is in our article.

The world famous Colossal Heads are the result of the phenomenal labor of the representatives of the first civilization, which originated in the territory of modern Mexico. Their main deity was depicted as half jaguar and half human.

The Aztecs became famous all over the world for their bloody customs. Human sacrifice has become an integral part of the tradition of these tribes. They believed that the universe needs a constant nourishment of human blood. Otherwise, the world will end. The ceremony itself looked terrifying. A heart was cut out of the flesh of a living person and burned in the center of the temple.

What do tourists need to know?

Mexico has had a cycling promotion program for several years. Therefore, you can rent a bike here absolutely free of charge, and such rental points are easy to find. They are located close to many attractions. You can also rent a car. Just don't be surprised if the vehicle doesn't have a license plate. In Mexico, this is a common thing. Instead of a number, the vehicle's registration certificate hangs on the rear window.

Corruption in Mexico is as common as the popular Coca-Cola drink. For example, having committed even a significant offense, you may encounter a police officer who, in an unequivocal form, begins to gently hint at a solution to the issue on the spot.

You should definitely visit one of the main attractions of the Yucatan Peninsula - the city of the Mayan Indians. This is the settlement of Chichen Itza, which today is officially included in the list of the seven "new wonders of the world."

Diving enthusiasts are advised to visit another local attraction - the underwater museum. It contains more than 400 sculptures that are at different depths under the water. This amazing place is located near Cancun.


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