Top 25 museums in Stockholm


Nestled comfortably on 14 islands, the capital of Sweden invites tourists to visit educational institutions that make it possible to spend their leisure time cognitively. The distinctive northern city has a rich cultural life, as evidenced by the numerous museums in Stockholm. They contain the richest collections of the cultural heritage of the people and a variety of valuable artifacts. We will tell you which of them deserve your attention and which of them are worth visiting in the first place.

Royal Palace

On the island of Stadholmen in the very heart of Stockholm stands a monumental architectural monument - the Royal Palace. This is the current residence of the Swedish monarchs, where various events are held: solemn receptions, diplomatic meetings and receptions of foreign heads of state. On weekdays, the palace is open for visiting residents and guests of the capital of the Scandinavian state. The building with pronounced symmetrical shapes is a square with an inner courtyard.

The walls are made of bricks and sandstone. The facades are richly decorated with artistic decorative elements: stucco, sculptures, medallions, arches and columns. The interior decoration of the royal residence is of interest. More than 600 luxurious rooms are decorated with sculptures, flowerpots, frescoes and gilded ornaments. The most popular is the Treasury, where crowns, sceptres, mantles, wands and other regalia are kept. The brilliance of diamonds, sapphires and rubies in the crown is striking in its magnificence.

Armor, weapons, uniforms, carriages are on display in the armory. Everyday and festive outfits of kings amaze with pomp and luxury. Visitors have the opportunity to explore the bedrooms and study rooms, furnished with carved antique furniture. Magnificent tapestries, paintings, bas-reliefs and crystal chandeliers speak of the past greatness and wealth of the northern state. Each hall of the palace is the embodiment of the glorious history of Sweden.


Visitors to the Royal Palace are attracted by the numerous exhibits of the Armory Chamber - Livrustkammarin. The collection is housed in the basement of the residence. Here are exhibited finds of antiquity associated with the history of the country's military successes and the monarchical way of life. Here you can see the armor of knights, weapons, carriages, fancy dress, jewelry, royal outfits and many other valuable artifacts.

A unique collection of exquisite dresses of princesses and kings makes it possible to follow the development of fashion trends in the attire of Swedish monarchs over the course of five centuries. The chamber displays clothes that were worn by representatives of the royal dynasty during ceremonies, coronations and weddings. Tourists will be interested to see the original fancy dress of Gustav III with a bullet hole after the attempt on the life of the monarch.

Antique swords and shields, banners and military uniforms, helmets and firearms of the 16th-18th centuries - all this completely absorbs the attention of tourists. In one of the halls of Livrustkammarin, carriages decorated with carvings, gold and precious stones are exhibited.

Museum "Three Crowns"

In the basement rooms of the northern wing of the Royal Palace, there is an interesting exhibition entitled "Three Crowns". The exposition reflects the centuries-old chronicle of a medieval castle that existed on the site of the present-day residence of the King of Sweden. The collection includes models of the fortress, which has been expanded and rebuilt several times. On the spire of the model of the ancient structure, there is a bright decorative standard with three crowns.

Numerous drawings reflect the stages of the construction of the fortification. Among the valuable specimens are fragments of the wall of a defensive structure seven meters thick, stone decorations, medieval weapons and paintings. The halls display antiquities saved from the fire of the devastating fire of 1697. These are dishes, boxes, furniture, amber cups and clothes.

Vasa Museum

A popular and iconic place in Stockholm is the museum of the warship Vasa, founded in 1628. The majestic and powerful three-masted combat ship with numerous cannons sank a few kilometers from the coast of the harbor after being launched. The cause of the disaster was an error in calculating the weight of the sailboat, which could not withstand a sharp and powerful gust of wind. As a result, the ship heeled and sank to the bottom. 333 years later, "Vasa" was raised to the surface, restored and presented to the public.

The seven-story hangar is built around a grandiose galleon 69 meters long and 50 meters high. The uniqueness lies in the fact that the wooden hull of the ship is perfectly preserved in its original form. This was favored by the cold, slightly salted Baltic Sea and the absence of microorganisms in it that feed on wood. The Vasa ship is lavishly decorated with numerous carved and gilded sculptures depicting emperors, angels, warriors, mermaids and demons.

There are about sixty figures of lions alone, symbolizing royal power. Guests can familiarize themselves with the stages of the ship's construction and the history of its wreck. An impressive part of the exhibition is devoted to the surviving items found during the rise of the ship to the surface. Behind the glass showcases are stored tools, personal belongings of sailors, guns, dishes, shoes, coins and ship decor items.

Medieval Museum

Under the Norrbru Bridge between the Royal Palace and the Opera is a major archaeological center, which displays an impressive collection of artifacts from medieval Stockholm. In underground rooms, where twilight reigns, a cognitive exposition is presented. It reflects the way of life and living conditions of the average inhabitant of past centuries. Here you can see fragments of structures, models of the old city, stone artifacts, tools, dishes, various leather and wood products, clothing items and many other artifacts.

The halls contain cobbled streets with houses, craft shops, a church, a bakery and a tavern. Artfully crafted wax figures complement the surroundings, enhancing the feeling of being in the medieval era. The everyday life of the dwellings of the northern people is clearly demonstrated to tourists. Using the examples of ancient buildings as an example, it is possible to get acquainted with the technique of painting walls with colorful images and laying brick arches.

Nobel Museum

On the centenary of the establishment of the Nobel Prize in Stockholm, an exhibition was organized dedicated to the great scientist Alfred Nobel and the winners of the world famous prestigious award. The exhibits are located in the halls of the historic building of the Stock Exchange, located on the square of the Old City. Guests of the institution can join scientific achievements, discoveries and experiments in the field of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace protection.

A kind of cable car runs through the exhibition halls, stretching under the ceiling. Portraits of Nobel Prize winners move along it. Behind glass shelves are models of inventions, tools, archival documents and personal belongings of scientists. Noteworthy are the publications and video recordings of the laureates' speeches. An interactive room awaits curious visitors where famous scientific experiments can be “repeated”. A separate room contains exhibits reflecting the work of Alfred Nobel.


A walk through the magnificent sculpture garden of Millesgarden will leave pleasant impressions. This is an amazing place where picturesque natural landscapes and exquisite works of art form a harmonious ensemble. On the high cliff of the island of Lidingo, a park complex is laid out, literally immersed in the greenery of broad-leaved trees and slender cypresses. The rocky terrain is full of terraces with fountains, stairs, ponds, flowering shrubs and colonnades.

The park is adorned with numerous sculptural compositions by the Swedish sculptor Karl Milles. The main part of the artist's works is devoted to ancient myths and fairy-tale characters from the ancient legends of the northern peoples. In the open air you can find angels, athletes, nymphs and various creatures frozen in motion. Many bronze and stone statues are installed on high pedestal columns, which create the effect of dynamics and figures floating in the air.

Milles's masterpieces highlight the flexibility, grace and physical perfection of the human body. Founder Millesgarden's most expressive and most popular creation is The Hand of God. On a huge palm stands the figure of a man with arms outstretched upward. It is interesting to see the sculptural composition "Man and Pegasus". She represents a hovering man who touches the wing of a horse from ancient Greek mythology with his toes.

Swedish Museum of National Antiquities

An impressive exhibition of national antiquities is kept in one of the largest institutions in Stockholm. The exposition covers the history of the peoples of Scandinavia from ancient times to the 20th century. Archaeological finds create an idea of ​​the cultural values, life and traditions of the indigenous people of the Scandinavian country. In spacious pavilions, for the viewing of spectators, jewelry, works of medieval art, runestones, cups, dishes, clothes, tools, figurines, armor and other finds of antiquity are demonstrated.

The most popular is the "Golden Room", teeming with amazing treasures. Gold and silver jewelry amaze the imagination with the play of light from precious stones. The products are so exquisite that it is still difficult for modern jewelers to understand the details of their manufacture. The room of fabrics, which houses centuries-old textile embroidery, is impressive with a variety of exhibits. Of interest is the hall with church utensils and carved altars.

Visitors to the educational institution can learn about the history of the Viking class. The hall recreates the atmosphere of the village of Scandinavian warriors, where it will be interesting to learn about their daily life, family life, beliefs and military exploits. Among the exhibits are axes, clubs, clothes and household items.

Nordic Museum

On one of the islands of Stockholm, a majestic architectural monument rises, outwardly resembling a medieval castle with carved corner towers, spiers, high windows and bas-reliefs. Behind the massive brick walls of the building, there is an exhibition of exhibits dedicated to the chronicle, culture and ethnography of Scandinavia. The collection includes over 1.5 million valuable pieces of antiquity. The exposition allows people to feel the traditions, way of life, art and other aspects of the life of the peoples of the northern countries.

The gem of the institution is a huge 126 meter long hall decorated with marble columns and high arches. A giant wooden statue of King Gustav Vasa sits here. The invaluable exposition contains masterpieces of folk art, examples of home decor, as well as a collection of clothes, dishes, furniture, photographs and textiles. In one of the halls, the home interiors of rooms from different eras and social strata have been recreated. The exhibition features about two hundred different historical and contemporary toys.

Maritime museum

Since its founding, Sweden has been one of the largest maritime powers in Europe. Guests of Stockholm can learn about the history of the country's fleet and the development of shipbuilding at the Maritime Museum. The exposition occupies the halls of an arched two-storey building, expressively decorated with a rotunda. Unique exhibits are useful sources of knowledge for those who are fond of the annals of the development of maritime affairs. The exhibition has a rich collection of ship models: from Viking and Galleon drakkars to modern liners.

Here you can see replicas of the legendary merchant ships and battle frigates of the 18th century. The models are made on a reduced scale and repeat the structure of the original ships with impeccable accuracy, down to the smallest detail. Navigational instruments, drawings, maps, cannons, decorative elements, various designs, tools, uniforms and personal belongings of sailors are of historical value. In the basement of the complex, the cabin of the royal battle schooner Amfiton has been recreated.

Modern Art Museum

Stockholm Exhibition of Contemporary Art is one of the best art galleries in Europe. It displays a wide variety of paintings by Swedish and foreign avant-garde painting and sculpture artists. The foundation of the institution consists of more than 100,000 masterpieces of world famous artists, among which the works of the Fauvist A. Matisse, the surrealist P. Picasso, the cubist S. Dali and the cult creator of pop-art E. Warhol are especially popular.

Sculptural compositions and installations evoke a sense of amazement. Art objects of the institution can be a bowl of bitter water, a cord sticking out of the wall, a stuffed goat, and the like. Many of the exhibits presented here are so original that they may seem very provocative and incomprehensible to connoisseurs of the classical school of painting. This forces the viewers to find the idea of ​​the correct perception of the picture. The exposition covers the period from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. Diverse and incomparable works of art are placed in the halls in chronological order.

National Sports Museum

Fans of the history of the development of sports are advised to visit the thematic exhibition, where a considerable number of interesting exhibits are presented. The collection consists of items that belong to the 68 official sports in Sweden, from dog sledding to fencing. In total, the exposition numbers over 5,000 items.

Equipment, medals, cups, photographs, archival documents, posters, prints and many other exhibits are kept in the halls of the institution. Football fans will be interested in learning about famous and award-winning local teams such as AIK, Hammarbrew and Djurgården. Tourists will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the biographies and personal belongings of legendary athletes who glorified their country all over the world: football players Pia Sundhage, tennis player Bjorn Borg, golfer Annika Sørenstam, hockey player Alexander Helstrem and many other outstanding personalities.
For active guests, an interactive hall equipped with Olympic equipment has been organized. Anyone can pull up on the rings, go rock-climbing, run for a while, throw a basketball into the basket.

Hallwill Museum

A popular cultural place in Stockholm is a three-story 19th century mansion belonging to the richest Hallwill family. The married couple of counts in the person of Walter and Wilhelmina did not deny themselves the pleasure of collecting antiques and works of art, as well as decorating the house with the latest innovations of the time.

Central heating and electricity were installed in Hallvili Palace with a total area of ​​2,000 square meters.In 1920, the residence of the counts, along with an extensive private collection of luxury goods, became the property of the government. A few years later, the aristocratic mansion was opened to the public.

The interiors of the numerous rooms of the house are striking in their splendor. The walls and ceilings of the halls are decorated with wood paneling, covered with exquisite gilded ornaments, stucco, colorful frescoes and tapestries. Surrounded by all this grace, an impressive collection of edged weapons, carpets, porcelain, tableware and paintings is exhibited. Each room is furnished with antique carved furniture from the 18th century.


On the island of Djurgården there is an open-air ethnographic center - Skansen. This is an amazing picturesque park complex, where traditional houses and storerooms of peasants, noble estates and estates, schools and churches, mills and farms are located. The presented architectural objects belong to the XVIII-XX centuries. Buildings that characterize the style of different provinces of the country were brought from all over Sweden. The city's cobbled quarters and village streets with craft workshops, colorful shops and shops have been recreated here.

On the territory of Skansen, glassblowers, potters, bakers, blacksmiths and tanners are working on their masterpieces. A wonderful atmosphere of antiquity hovers everywhere. Visitors to the park can get acquainted with the way of life, traditions and culture of the northern people. Each building has preserved authentic old interiors, allowing you to feel the life of people of different social classes. The inhabitants of the houses are represented by professional actors dressed in national costumes. Along with this, tourists can enjoy the luxury of the landscapes of the surrounding nature. Botanical gardens, manicured alleys, cereal fields and lush forests give the complex a special charm.

Museum of Architecture and Design

Inquisitive guests of Stockholm can usefully spend time at the exhibition dedicated to the millennial chronicle of architecture and urban planning. Visitors will discover a variety of unique drawings, plans, models and photographs of buildings in the Swedish capital. The layouts are made of various materials, including paper, wood, plywood and polystyrene. The collection reflects the development of architectural styles since the golden age of Scandinavian modernism.

It will be equally entertaining to learn about the planning standards of typical Swedish apartments, as well as to comprehend design trends in the interior decoration of homes. The foundation of the institution reflects the evolution of concrete panels in modern architecture. Using paintings, films, toy models and operas as examples, the exhibition demonstrates how reinforced concrete panel blocks in the post-war period managed to improve the living standards of millions of people and eliminate the housing shortage. Every year in the pavilions of the institution, a creative competition of Gingerbread Houses is held. All baking masterpieces are extremely edible.

Swedish Army Museum

The halls of the three-story mansion located on Knights' Street in Stockholm reflect the true historical picture of the war chronicle of Sweden. The Scandinavian country has not officially taken part in bloody conflicts since 1814. The declaration on the policy of neutrality allowed her to stay away from the two world wars. The exhibition complex houses a magnificent exposition of old edged weapons and firearms. Pennants, uniforms, armor and banners are original testimonies to the glory of the Swedish army. Among the exhibits are artillery cannons of the 16th-18th centuries.

Instead of heroic chronicles of fierce battles, most of the institution's exposition focuses the audience's attention on the everyday life of the terrible consequences of wars, the psychology of conflicts, the hygienic problems of the army and the hardships of the civilian population. Numerous wax mannequins of soldiers and peasants are installed in the pavilions, which bring visitors closer to understanding how the everyday life of the war was. A depressing impression is provided by the field surgery hall with recreated scenes of amputation of limbs without anesthesia and a view of the torture of wounded soldiers.

ABBA Museum

It is impossible to ignore the museum of the cult Swedish group ABBA. It is one of the most modern, interactive and technically advanced institutions in Stockholm. The exposition includes stage costumes, personal belongings of artists, numerous records, musical instruments, performance posters, wax figures of musicians and many other exhibits valuable for fans. A separate room contains awards, platinum albums and other regalia.

The spacious pavilions are dominated by the atmosphere of the 70s of the last century. Clips and concert performances of the group are broadcasted on large screens. World-famous pieces of music are played everywhere. Here you can find out interesting information about the biography of each member of the pop group and the formation of their common creative path.

Of particular interest is the recreation of the environment of a recording studio, a dressing room, the interiors of a country mansion where the musicians lived and rested. Interactive rides with the help of digital technologies and virtual programs allow guests to perform on stage with holograms of the "Swedish Four" or sing one of the legendary ABBA songs in karaoke.

Technical museum

While walking around the island of Djurgården, tourists can visit a collection of technology and various inventions. The exposition acquaints everyone with scientific innovations in the field of mechanical engineering, aviation, electricity and the computer industry. Rows of mechanisms, sets of tools and accessories demonstrate the achievements of scientists, designers and engineers.
The spacious pavilions display airplanes, trains, cars, steam engines, bicycles, household appliances, samples of kitchen appliances and much more. An attractive place in the exhibition complex is a 4D cinema, which delights the audience with a three-dimensional picture and moving chairs. The display of images is accompanied by various smells and even water splashes. Interactive attractions are especially popular.

With the help of simulators, adults and children enjoy various Olympic sports. The guests will be delighted by the game rooms, where they will have the opportunity to draw pictures with eye movements, play music with the help of light, move the ball with the power of thought, measure physical strength, and test the flexibility of the body. It will be interesting to operate an excavator bucket, create explosives and conduct various experiments.

Postal Museum

In the building of the former General Post Office of Stockholm, there is an entertaining collection that invites tourists to feel the atmosphere of the centuries-old history of the Swedish postal service. The variety of exhibits will not leave anyone indifferent. The light and airy rooms are filled with unique items related to the postal profession. On display are bags, boxes, work clothes, uniforms, horns, letters, typewriters and other items.

Noteworthy are vehicles equipped for the delivery of parcels and correspondence: bicycles, boats, carriages and vans. A separate part of the exhibition is devoted to transit communications. During the First World War, the mail of the belligerent states passed through neutral Sweden. There is a children's post office for young guests.

The guys can independently stamp envelopes, load their car and deliver them to conditional addresses. The collection is famous for its impressive collection of stamps of the State Mint, which attracts professional philatelists from all over the world.Here is kept the famous first in the world postage stamp "Black Penny", dating back to 1840.

Swedish Museum of Natural History

One of the largest and oldest educational institutions in Sweden, the Museum of Natural History, welcomes tourists. It was founded in 1819. The exhibition consists of more than 10 million exhibits reflecting a comprehensive picture of the origin, origin, evolution of flora and fauna of the entire Earth. The halls of the complex store a huge number of samples of vertebrates and invertebrates, insects, arachnids, plants, fungi and minerals.
Visitors are invited to see the stages of the formation of continents, get acquainted with the structure of the human body, study the skeletons of many animals. The exhibition presents the inhabitants of the seas and oceans, jungles and savannas, the Arctic and Antarctica. Inquisitive guests are greeted by majestic dinosaurs and goggle-eyed huge inhabitants of the deep sea.
The pride of the complex is the IMAX cinema. With the help of high technologies, tourists can make a fascinating journey through space, plunge into the underwater world and wander through the rainforest, contemplating mysterious and breathtaking films.

East Asia Museum

The richest collection of artifacts from Japan, India, China and other states of East Asia is presented in the historical and cultural institution in Stockholm. The exhibition is housed in a 17th century building, the premises of which were used for a long time to store the monarch's personal guard uniforms and weapons. It contains about 100 thousand unique antiques. Most of them were brought by the Swedish archaeologist Johan Anderson.

The main attention should be paid to archaeological finds and objects of art imported from China. Of interest are paintings, jewelry, manuscripts, books and figurines. Behind the glass showcases of the shelves, dishes are kept, exquisitely painted with ornaments and colorful drawings. Figures of clay warriors of the legendary Terracotta army are exhibited in the underground hall.


An unforgettable journey into the world of fairy tales - Junibakken will give a lot of positive impressions. The entertainment and educational center is focused on family vacations with children. Under the roof of a two-story hangar with an area of ​​6,000 m2 there are locations decorated with houses and decorations based on plots from the pages of children's works by Swedish and foreign writers. The playground of the play center is a town where world famous characters live: Kid and Carlson, Findus the kitten, Mumiy Troll, Pippi Longstocking, Winnie the Pooh and many other heroes.
Junibacken's main attraction is the train ride that follows Astrid Lindgren's fairy tales. While moving on the rails, the trailers smoothly rise up and down so that passengers can carefully examine the miniature doll scenes. Young visitors enjoy exploring the Chicken Villa. The playrooms are filled with all kinds of toys, slides and swings. All installations and objects can be touched, moved and twisted.

Dance Museum

On one of the central streets of Stockholm, in the building of a former bank branch, there is an exhibition dedicated to the art of dancing. The initiator of the opening of an interesting exhibition was the Swedish collector, aristocrat and connoisseur of ballet Rolf de Mare. He traveled extensively and collected numerous artifacts characterizing choreographic performances from different peoples of the world.
Among the richest collection of exhibits, unique costumes, masks, books, sculptures, photographs, accessories, shadow dolls, figurines and many other valuable items are of interest. Posters and sketches of scenery for the performances of Russian, French and Swedish ballet are kept here. Visitors have the opportunity to learn about ethnic dances from Asia and Africa. The screens show videos showing how dance has developed over hundreds of years with the participation of world ballet legends.

Police Museum

The Stockholm exposition associated with the activities of the Swedish police is especially popular. The purpose of the exposition is to show everyone how important the profession of those people whose duty is to fight crime is for a democratic society. The foundation of the institution consists of police equipment and archival materials.

The pavilions display uniforms from different years, starting from 1850. Weapons, handcuffs, batons, walkie-talkies, insignia and vehicles form the image of the guardian of the law. The collection is based on items from criminal offenses. These are genuine murder weapons, evidence, prints of traces, photos of criminals, counterfeit banknotes and many other items.

Interesting examples characterize the essence of forensic medicine and forensic science. Fingerprint identification and blood sample identification are among the main methods of tracing criminals. In one of the premises of the complex, a crime scene has been recreated, where each visitor can feel like a detective and conduct their own investigation.


A visit to the former residence of the Prince of Sweden Eugene Waldemarsudde, the fourth son of King Oscar II, will leave pleasant impressions. On the picturesque island of Djurgården, surrounded by amazing natural landscapes, there is an Art Nouveau mansion. The prince was known in aristocratic European circles as a creative person and a connoisseur of works of art. He received an excellent art education and gained fame as one of the best landscape painters at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. According to the will, Eugene transferred his estate, along with the paintings, to the ownership of the government.

The park area, which is an example of landscape design, deserves special attention. On an area of ​​seven hectares, you can have a wonderful time. The park is surrounded on three sides by the waters of a crystal clear lake and divided by terraces where flowers and centuries-old trees are planted. Among the well-groomed alleys with plantings, there are rows of sculptures by Swedish and French masters.

The details of the manor's interiors are designed according to the prince's sketches. The apartment consists of a bedroom, living room, study, dining room and veranda. Antiques and furniture have been preserved in their original form. In an aristocratic setting, paintings by the prince himself are exhibited. The collection consists of some of the finest examples of painting depicting the natural beauty of Sweden.

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