Takachiho gorge in Japan


For centuries, Japan has kept the foundations of its cultural heritage a secret. Nowadays, everyone can visit the most secluded corners, where the most beautiful legends originate, revealing the very essence of the nature of the people living on these beautiful islands. Such a place is the Takatiho Gorge.

Myths and legends

Events in the history of Japan are closely related to the rituals and ceremonies of the traditional national religion called Shinto. She learned a lot from Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism. It is based on the deification of nature, its phenomena, endowing with the spirit of everything that is on Earth.

The myths of Amaerasu, the high priestess of the cult of the same name, are some of the most fascinating. Once the god Izanagi washed his left eye during cleansing, and his eldest daughter appeared from the spray of water. She took possession of the "plain of the high sky", that is, she became the goddess of the sun and light. Susanno-Mikoto, her younger brother, the god of water, wind and storm, constantly made fun of and taunt his sister. Amaerasu took offense and disappeared deep into the cave. Darkness reigned on Earth.

Many different gods gathered at the entrance to this cave to somehow remedy the situation. After a long meeting, they decided to arrange a grand celebration with singing and dancing in the hope that a curious girl would come out to see the action with at least one eye. And so it happened. As soon as the goddess appeared, she was grabbed by the arms and pulled out of hiding. The sun shone again in the sky.

Dancing Kagura

Nowadays, on Ama-no Yasugawara, the so-called site where the legendary celebration took place, you can watch Kagura dancing every night from November to February. By this, the Japanese not only remember the past events, but also thank the gods for the harvest, and pray for a rich harvest next year. This dance is also performed every day at other times of the year, exclusively for curious tourists who are not indifferent to the values ​​of the Japanese people.

Description of Takachiho gorge

The Amanoiwato Shrine, which houses the famous cave, is located in the city of Takachiho. Its walls are surrounded by countless cairns made of stones, which were built by pilgrims from all over the country. The surrounding natural landscape does not leave indifferent any lover of exotic corners of our planet. Takachiho Gorge impresses with its unusual views. Green oaks, maples, under them dense ferns, vines, cover the mountain range, which cuts through a deep canyon. The emerald-colored Gokasegawa River flows for about five kilometers between high cliffs. In ancient times, after the eruption of the Aso volcano, basalt deposits were formed. In which a stream of water made its way.

Black blocks of incredible size go under the turquoise surface, reflected in it, like in a mirror. In some places, the distance between the canyon walls does not exceed ten meters. People walking on boats experience a mesmerizing sight. The cool and humid air creates the feeling of a dungeon, but looking up, they see the azure sky, brightly lit by the sun, breaking through the green leaves of the trees.

The smell of wet stone, a splashing fish, complete silence, which is broken only by the noise of leaves somewhere far away, as if from outside…. It seems that you are touching something fabulous, unreal. But now the rocks seem to be slightly parting, a new picture opens up, even more striking. From a great height, a silvery stream, scattering into myriads of small drops, shakes with a roar all around the waterfall.

Manai-no-Taki waterfall

There are several such waterfalls in the gorge. The largest of them is seventeen meters high. It is called Manai-no-Taki, and guests love it for its large cloud of spray. The rainbow formed in the sunlight adds even more charm to this magical place.

During the day, the colors filling the gorge change. In the early morning, everyone sleeps in a misty haze. And only bright rays that hit the water surface around noon, with enthusiasm illuminate the water and enliven the black walls with sunbeams. In the evening, the rocks again hide in the shade and calm down, in some places painted with the red reflections of the sunset.

Hiking trails

You can enjoy the local beauty not only by boat, but also by walking along a special trail laid for this purpose. From above, the valley looks no less attractive. Extraordinary bridges connect the cliffs to each other. They are stone giants "emerge" from the lush vegetation, and hide back in it, as in historical films about the ancient samurai. There are also suspended cable bridges, many viewing platforms, from which magnificent views of the incomparable creation of wildlife open up.

And the vegetation here is really dense and varied, among other things, like on the entire island of Kyushu. Many evergreen trees grow here, although autumn delights with its madness of colors. In spring, when cherry blossoms are blooming, one cannot take one's eyes off these hills, so much awakening nature attracts to itself. Singing of birds, alluring aromas of flowers give a joyful, life-affirming mood. Takachiho Gorge is considered a sacred place in Japan. The combination of the religious traditions of the local people and wonderful natural landscapes explains the emergence of such beautiful myths. Who knows, maybe these are not myths at all, but a half-forgotten reality.


For travelers, the gorge has a well-developed tourist infrastructure. There are several souvenir shops where you can buy not only images of nature, handicrafts of local craftsmen. The Japanese religion pays great attention to various kinds of amulets. Here you can become the owner of one or more of them. In the restaurants you can taste dishes of national cuisine. Miyadzaki Prefecture is notable for its vegetable soups, mushrooms and pumpkin cooked in a special way. And, of course, admire traditional dances and chants on the territory of the temples. Even if it is not a festive date, when the ceremonies are not accompanied by colorful outfits and enchanting stage performances, it will still leave an indelible impression.

Takachiho gorge on the map


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