18 main sights of Mongolia


Mongolia gives tourists the opportunity to experience cultural and natural resources. Ancient history, unique landscape and traditions will make even a short trip memorable. The country offers its guests several options for recreation: ecological, active, cultural.

Nature is one of the country's main treasures. 22 national parks will allow you to see a variety of landscapes and fauna. Vegetation varies from larch taiga to desert, many of whose inhabitants are listed in the Red Book. Where there is rich and varied nature, there is also active rest - walking tours, horseback riding, auto tourism. Hunting and fishing are popular types of leisure that have long been mastered by foreign guests of the country. Not so long ago, there was an opportunity to visit the first, so far the only, modern ski resort, which opened near the capital.

The culture of Mongolia is centuries old and is represented by both archaeological monuments - rock paintings and ruins of ancient settlements, and medieval Buddhist monasteries and palaces. Modern attractions are museums, theaters, parks, shopping centers of the capital of the country. The city hosts many holidays and festivals, some of them with a bright national flavor. The climate of Mongolia cannot be called harsh, but frosts in winter and heat in summer are obligatory. The best time to travel is late August or early September, although the whole summer provides quite comfortable conditions for exploring the country.

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What to see in Mongolia?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a short description.

Ulaanbaatar city

Capital of Mongolia, metropolis. Large economic and cultural center. The historical part of the city is a cultural monument, the Bogd-Khan-Uul mountain is included in the preliminary list of UNESCO. The city has a well-developed infrastructure, there are many tourist sites.

Monument to Genghis Khan (Statue in Tsongzhin-Boldog)

The monument is the largest statue of a horse rider in the world. In Mongolia, it is also the largest statue of Genghis Khan. Inside the pedestal of the 40-meter figure there is a recreation area, at the top there is an observation deck.

Gobi Desert

Located in the north of the country, the largest desert in Asia. It is practically not inhabited, there are nomadic tribes on the territory. The vegetation is sparse, but there are unique representatives of the fauna. The largest dinosaur cemetery is located here.

Karakorum - an ancient city

The ancient capital of Mongolia. He experienced two major upsurges in the country's history, in the 1200s and 1600s. Archaeological site, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Place of ancient settlements, a quarter of artisans, temples. Here was the palace of Khan Ogedei.

Gandantegchenlin monastery

A functioning Buddhist monastery, the largest in Ulaanbaatar. Founded on the site of the city of Ulan Bator. The first religious center of Mongolia. The attraction is the huge statue of the Golden God Magzhid Zhanraisag, installed in 1911.

Erdene-Zuu monastery

A medieval Buddhist monastery, one of the temples of which is still in operation. The rest of the buildings are given over to museums. The main value of the monastery is the statue of Buddha Ihe-Dzu. In addition to her, within the walls of Erdzene-Zuu there are 11 relics donated to the monastery by the Dalai Lama. UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Monastery Amarbayasgalant

A large religious complex. All buildings are distinguished by the unity of style, with a predominance of Chinese traditions. The monastery is active, there are about 100 monks permanently living there. A unique combination of architecture and natural landscape - the buildings are located in a picturesque valley against the backdrop of hills covered with larch forests.

Temple-Museum Choijin Lamyn Sum

A complex of temples located in the center of Ulan Bator. Built at the beginning of the twentieth century. Currently, it is a museum of Mongolian religious art. One of the best monuments of Mongolian architecture.

Bogdykhan's palace

One of the most striking, spectacular sights of Mongolia. The complex of buildings, including the Summer and Winter Palaces of the last emperor, was built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The Summer Palace is a collection of traditional Chinese architecture buildings. The external and internal decoration of the palaces is in excellent condition and provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the highest Mongol nobility.

Zaisan memorial

The complex of military glory on the Zaisan Tolgoi hill, not far from Ulan Bator. Installed in honor of the victory of the Soviet-Mongolian army at Khalkin-Gol and the support of the Mongolian people's revolution by the Red Army. The complex has an original architectural solution. It is built in the form of a huge concrete ring, decorated with bas-reliefs and mosaics.

Sukhe Bator Square

The main square of the capital of Mongolia. It is also the main public space of the city. Nowadays it bears the name of Genghis Khan. There are several monuments on the square, around there are museums, theaters, business centers. Mass events and holidays are held here.

Gorkhi-Terelzh National Park

Natural park located 80 km from the capital. The nature is represented by low mountains, traditional for this area, covered with steppe vegetation or forest. A well-developed tourist infrastructure is located in the southern part of the park. There are hotels, recreation centers, a spa resort. Tourists are also offered to visit the Buddhist temple and the dinosaur sculpture park.

Khustain-Nuruu National Park

A large natural park that can be explored on a hiking, horse or jeep ride. In addition to picturesque landscapes, you can see ancient monuments here. For those who wish there is an opportunity to take part in the study of nature. In the park, work is underway to restore the population of Przewalski's horses.

Gurvansaykhan (Gobi-Gurvan-Sayhan)

The largest national park in the country. Located in the north of the Gobi Desert. The main attractions are sand dunes and local fauna. There is a famous dinosaur cemetery on the territory of the park. Tourists are invited to get acquainted with the traditional Mongolian life by visiting the settlements of local residents.

Lake Khubsugul

The "younger brother" of Baikal is located 200 km away from it. A freshwater lake, very deep. One of 17 ancient lakes on Earth, more than 2 ml. years. It is located between the steppe and taiga landscapes, around the lake there is a nature protection zone. There are tourist camps along the shores, a ferry runs along the lake. Popular eco-tourist destination.

Lake Ubsu-Nur

The largest in Mongolia, part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The water in the lake is salty. The world of animals and fish is very rich. Many ancient monuments, traces of the life of primitive people have been discovered along the banks. Currently, there is no infrastructure around the lake and it is difficult to get to it.

Elyn-Am gorge

A deep and narrow gorge in the southern mountains of Mongolia. Another name for the valley is Grifov or Orlov. The gorge is located in the territory of the national park. The Gobi Desert is located nearby, but in the depths of the gorge there is almost always snow.

Orkhon river valley

One of the largest rivers in Mongolia, the longest. The river valley has a varied relief, in one place it forms a waterfall. It is famous for the archaeological sites located on it, which are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. These include Karakorum, Har Balgas, the tombs of the Huns.


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